Parisian Deco Inspiration

Why I only work with my own people
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

Why I only work with my own people

I’ve become very demanding, very ‘exigeante’ over time. I’m no longer open to working with just anyone; just any builder, just any client. I don’t do ‘quick and cheap’. Nor do I like having to ‘break in’ new contractors - it’s so much less efficient and takes up a lot more of my (yes, precious) time and energy. And most of all, I don’t like not knowing what the quality will be like for my clients.

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What not to use in your bathroom
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

What not to use in your bathroom

I’m all for advances in technology for improving things, don’t get me wrong! I am delighted that in our interiors, we now have dimmable LED lights and matt finish washable paint. This said, there are some things that are just better left well alone!

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How To Create an Extra Bedroom
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

How To Create an Extra Bedroom

I’m going to tell you about a client of mine who needed to create an extra bedroom in an apartment she bought in the 16th arrondissement. It’s a beautiful space, Haussmannian, very high ceilings, two floor to ceiling windows, herringbone parquet, cornicing, ceiling roses, the works. The apartment has two existing bedrooms for my client’s children, and she wanted to create a third bedroom for herself. So we installed a verrière, a glass separation to keep the volumes and the light, while still creating a separate bedroom.

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I’ve Moved In!
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

I’ve Moved In!

I’m in! Yes, I moved into my new apartment a few days ago. And yes, I would definitely have liked to have been a client of mine, so that the other me would have placed furniture and pictures, removed packaging, had the place cleaned, and added flowers and champagne. But the fact is that it was I who was moving, so I was the one doing all that for myself and feeling the fatigue of it. And I haven’t yet got to flowers and champagne…!

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Will My Apartment Be Ready On Time??
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

Will My Apartment Be Ready On Time??

So last week I had been meaning to write about the emotional ups and downs of a renovation project, because it’s definitely not linear… And then work and life got in the way. So I’m writing today instead, a week later, with a different view in the ‘retroviseur’ (rear-view mirror, don’t you love how you can just work out what some words mean in French if you actually stop and think about them?).

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One Month To Go!
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

One Month To Go!

The last time I wrote, I was choosing light fittings, which I’m still doing. And I’m also choosing door handles. And thinking that I will also need useful things like a washing machine, a toaster, some bins…. I also need to order a bed for myself… I have lists in my notes application on my phone, and sometimes on miniscule Post-it notes on the back of my phone. That’s when I know it’s getting bad.

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Fear Of Lighting FOMO
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

Fear Of Lighting FOMO

I’m scared that once I’ve chosen lights for my new apartment, I’ll get FOMO when new lights come out. Think I’ve just invented a new concept ‘fear of FOMO’. Does that make it FOFOMO??!

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Building Site Wilderness
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

Building Site Wilderness

I know this part of building work happens. Every. Single. Time.

And I manage my clients’ expectations, telling them that it’s perfectly normal that it feels like nothing is advancing. I say that this is a really important phase in the progression of the site, and thanks to this period, their new apartment will function perfectly, for a long time. And that it’s normal, as the builders have to spend time getting all the fundamentals prepared.

And yet. I feel like I’m back in my high school English literature classes, learning about the willing suspension of disbelief. Except that I’m hoping that disbelief will not be the result!!

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Electric Electricals
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

Electric Electricals

We have moved on to the electricity phase, and Monsieur Hamlil, the contractor, is now installing the new electrical circuits in the apartment based on my electric plan. Electric plans can be fun to do, and they can also be a bit of a head-wreck! For example, how do you light a small bedroom?

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Demolition discoveries!
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

Demolition discoveries!

I’m very excited as I got the keys to my new apartment last Monday at 6pm! And Monsieur Hamlil, my absolute favorite contractor, started the renovation works the next morning at 8am. Not bad, eh?! It’s what I do for my clients. No point in wasting any time!

We are currently in the demolition phase, which is always slightly nerve-wracking. I plan more site visits during demolition, as this is when the surprises come to light.

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How To Design Your Kitchen (part 2)
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

How To Design Your Kitchen (part 2)

Just because a kitchen is a hard-working space, with all that water, heating and chilling, doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful!

In a previous article, I wrote about kitchen functionality and my strong opinions about how kitchens should actually work properly if you want to enjoy using and being in them. This time I want to discuss the ambiance of your kitchen - how to think about color and texture in this all-important room.

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How To Design Your Master Bathroom (Part 2)
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

How To Design Your Master Bathroom (Part 2)

I promised that I would write more about bathroom aesthetics, and here we are!

Generally when we renovate a bathroom we know that it’s going to last a certain length of time. Say 10 or 15 (or more!) years. So it’s a big responsibility, as you know that you are going to live with your choices for a long time - no pressure, but it’s important to get it right!

So, as much as I love color, I have to say that I’m generally more in favor of neutrals, or classical colors, in your bathroom. You will probably regret having your tiles the Pantone color of the year, as it’s just too on trend (sorry Peach Fuzz!), at least for the tile colors on floors and walls. You can definitely play with the paint color though and then bring color into the space with accessories and plants.

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How To Design Your Kitchen (part 1)
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

How To Design Your Kitchen (part 1)

Kitchen design is really an art. And I really mean that. To design a space in which there are so many technical constraints already requires expertise and experience. And to make it comfortable and beautiful is another big ask.

So what are my tips for designing a functional kitchen? As usual, I really recommend knowing what you want before you start designing.

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How To Design Your Master Bathroom (part 1)
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

How To Design Your Master Bathroom (part 1)

If you’re renovating an apartment in Paris, the design of the master bathroom can be a bit of a ‘prise de tête’ - literally ‘take your head’ or in other words, a headache! This is because often bathrooms in Paris are pretty small. So how do you design a comfortable bathroom in a Parisian apartment?

Over the years I’ve developed a very specific list of design dos and don’ts for bathrooms, and especially small bathrooms. So here goes!

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How To Decorate Your Powder Room
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

How To Decorate Your Powder Room

So, your Powder Room! This expression feels very American, in Ireland we’d probably say ‘downstairs toilet’ or ‘guest bathroom’ or, if you were my Mum, ‘the blue loo’ (which she designed around a Mason style ‘porcelain’ lavatory, with blue tiles etc.). And in France it would probably be called 'les toilettes des invités' ("guests' toilets" - I've never understood why it's in the plural!)

Whatever you want to call it, you have to think about and design this space!

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How To Decorate Your Home Office
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

How To Decorate Your Home Office

How is your actual working space? Are you really comfortable working there? Do you enjoy using the space? And that killer question, which has unfortunately become a cliché - does the space bring you joy? I firmly believe that the spaces we spend time in strongly influence our mood and thus our development over time. So your home office, especially if you spend a lot of time there, should support you in becoming the best version of yourself.

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How to design and decorate your own mudroom
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

How to design and decorate your own mudroom

Here in Paris, where space is at a premium and each inch counts, most often there is no space for a mudroom as well as a hall. But then, not everyone lives in Paris - and there’s not much mud anyway…! So indulge me and read on for decorating tips about mudrooms!

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How to design and decorate a hallway
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

How to design and decorate a hallway

Here I talk about an entrance to your chez toi, which is where you’ll enter every time you come home, and also where you’ll welcome your guests when they arrive. So read on if you want some hallway ideas to create a warm and welcoming space, which functions well for your family and also looks great for your guests!

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How I decorated this Parisian living room
Antonia Mahon Antonia Mahon

How I decorated this Parisian living room

A few months ago, Emma* called me. She and her husband had just arrived in Paris as expats, expecting to stay two years. They had rented a furnished apartment in the 7th arrondissement, and wanted to make it feel more like home - could I help? You bet I can!

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