Why I only work with my own people

When the demolition phase is happening, I prefer to know that it’s all going to be ok

I’ve become very demanding, very ‘exigeante’ over time. I’m no longer open to working with just anyone; just any builder, just any client. I don’t do ‘quick and cheap’. Nor do I like having to ‘break in’ new contractors - it’s so much less efficient and takes up a lot more of my (yes, precious) time and energy. And most of all, I don’t like not knowing what the quality will be like for my clients.

I want the results I want. I’m not going to compromise on quality, why should I? My clients work with me because I can guarantee the results, how their home will feel, how it will look and function. And I guarantee the timing and the budget (excepting major surprises during the project).

So for my clients, I have selected, over the years, the contractors and DIY men (yes, men, unfortunately haven’t come across any women in these professions) who I can rely on. Who turn up at meetings on time and send the quote within a week. And are willing to rework the quote any number of times to get it as right as possible at the very beginning.

Contractors, like Hocine and Gheorghe, who keep the site and the common areas of the building clean, and are able to appease neighbors when necessary. Who communicate well and are proactive with solutions when the inevitable surprises arise. Who take the time to answer my questions and explain why some things are technically just not possible. And who humor me when I suggest things. And are willing to admit they were wrong and that a woman might actually have helped solve the problem. 

They know that I’ve got their back, that I’ll make sure they have the quote signed by the clients and receive the deposit before the works start. That the scope is clear at the start of the project, so that they know what they’re doing and how long it will take. That I won’t ‘throw them under the bus’ if something goes awry and that we’ll sort out the problems in the best way for all concerned. 

We work together to reassure the clients during the demolition phase when they’re wondering what on earth got into them to make them ruin their new home. And once demolition is finished, and they can see why it was necessary to demolish that wall, or change the orientation of the living room, or swap the kitchen and the bathroom, we jubilate with them!

Then we coax them through the desert when they feel like nothing is happening and everything is going to be late. We explain that all the foundations are laid during this phase so that everything works as it should. That the new electrical plan means that they’ll have lights and switches where they’re supposed to be, and that the new plumbing pipes will mean lots of hot water and no blocked drains for years!

And then we manage our clients’ impatience during the decoration and installation phases, when they can see that it’s ‘nearly ready’ and they’re champing at the bit to be able to move in. 

I have other wonderful suppliers as well. Yesterday I dropped by to see Yves and Sophie in the 16th, a wonderful duo who work wonders with anything to do with fabric. So curtains, sheers, upholstery, making upholstered furniture to specification and much more. I love going to see them in their Ali Baba’s cave of fabric samples. They sit me down with a herbal tea and we talk about what I need for my clients. Then Sophie hands me a sample book, and we’re off! I make a couple of suggestions, then Sophie ‘riffs’ on those, discussing the fors and againsts or pulling out better ideas. And Yves gets the quotes together and coordinates it all, including installation right down to the last curtain ring.

I have an amazing receiver, Marie-Charlotte, who orders the articles for the client, receives the ordered items, inspects them for damage, and if necessary manages returns and replacements. She’ll have it all delivered in one go when the works are done, the space is clean and I’m ready to install. And then there’s the multi-talented Jean-Claude, who assembles furniture, puts up pictures and fixes things invisibly, always with good advice and a wry smile.

They’re all amazing, and I feel so privileged to have found them and to be able to work with such consummate professionals. 

So, no, I won’t ask for two quotes for your project. I know my people. I know the prices. I can compare them, if necessary, with other recent projects. So, no, I won’t ‘use’ another company just to get a quote, that’s a waste of everyone’s precious time and energy.

And the results are there! The works are very well done, on time and on budget. The furniture, equipment and accessories are installed. My clients are happy, it looks wonderful, and it still delights me to see my vision come to life! 

We’ve another good few years in us yet, although I’m already dreading the day when Hocine, Gheorghe, Jean-Claude, Marie-Charlotte, Sophie and Yves tell me that they’re retiring… !

If you’d like help with your home in Paris, do let me know!


What not to use in your bathroom