Won’t I need an architect to do a remodel?

(Photo by Ivan Samkov)

You will need an architect or a structural engineer if you decide to knock down a load-bearing wall as part of the remodel. In addition, as the structure of the building is considered property common to all the building’s co-owners, you will need a majority agreement from the other co-owners. This can be difficult to obtain, depending on relations between the co-owners and the age and state of the building.

Recently, a client set her mind on opening a supporting wall between the kitchen and the salon in her apartment. So I called on my colleague and friend Jean Delaporte, a structural engineer. Jean visited the apartment, took measurements and calculated what kind of beam would be needed to take on the load currently borne by the supporting wall.

He then prepared the technical documents so that our client’s motion could be included in the Assemblé Générale des Copropriétaires (the Annual General Co-owners Meeting - or AG (pronounced ah-jay)). Four weeks before the meeting, the client sent the dossier to the Syndic (the company mandated by the co-owners to maintain the building). And the Syndic, following regulations, circulated the documents to all co-owners 21 days before the AG.

The client lives in her apartment full-time and knows the other co-owners well. She had already presented her project to them and lobbied to have it accepted. Jean and I attended the AG to support the client and answer the neighbors’ questions about the changes. The questions concerned the way the works would be undertaken and whether or not the neighbours above and below our client could make the same changes (they can, following the same procedure as our client). The motion was put to the vote and my client was delighted to obtain the majority she needs to be able to proceed.

At Blue Sparks, we generally find another solution rather than doing this as it is expensive, time-consuming and obtaining agreement from the other co-owners for your request (obligatory before works can be executed) is far from guaranteed.

Also, if you do decide to employ an architect, they can do the architectural remodel, but most likely will not take care of the Interior Design.

Blue Sparks proposes the remodel plans and interior design, obtains quotes from contractors, supervises the remodel works, orders all furniture and accessories and ensures that everything is beautiful and absolutely ready for when you arrive. Right down to the cushions on the couch, the cutlery in the kitchen drawer, the dressing gowns in the bathroom and the hangers in the closets! There’ll even be a bottle of champagne waiting in the fridge for your first visit!

Still dreaming of your own home in Paris? Why not plan a complementary Zoom Call with Antonia to discuss your project?


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